
Safety + Health magazine is a great publication that hopefully all safety professionals read on a regular basis. We had the opportunity to share our AI based forklift safety system with the editors. In the November 2024 publication, we were featured in two instances.

In the Trends In … Facility Safety, Ram Kumar, CRO for SIERA AI answers the question, “Have traditional forklift safety measures leveled off?” Click here to get that answer.

Then, in their Facility Safety section of the publication, the editors spotlighted SIERA AI’s Automatic Slowdown feature of the S3 Pedestrian Detection System. You can find details of the feature here.

Getting noticed in a publication such as Safety + Health for forklift safety is an honor and privilege, and we appreciate their interest in learning more about forklift safety. Learning more about a forklift safety system saves lives of workers and pedestrians as well as saving the facility and products from damage. It is the next generation of forklift safety by using the latest technologies to identify a risk or hazard and warn the operator with plenty of time. However, if the operator doesn’t adhere to the warnings, that’s where the AutoSlow down comes in. It will override the operator and automatically slow down the vehicle. These types of technologies are proactive and will stop an accident even before it begins.

Do take a look at Safety + Health for Forklift Safety. You’ll find us there.