Did you know that there were over 80 mandatory state labor laws in 2024? According to ISHN, this was a record-breaking year for state labor laws in a single year. 2025 looks like it may be a repeat of 2024. With all of these changes, how does a company stay up to date with compliance? Even with a large team of safety professionals, it’s still a huge task. Here’s the gotcha: failure to post the required federal labor law notices, you can be charged over $43,000. Nice. What can safety professional do to stay in compliance?
Automation. Technology.
Both of which SIERA AI offers. Now, as much as we would like to fix all of the compliance laws released and then those already in production, we can take care of the forklift. It is still a big one off of your plate. Let’s take a look at a few:
1. Digital Forklift Inspection Checklist: All checklists are housed within the forklift safety system. You can assign a checklist to one or all forklift operators. For instance, for the first shift, you may want the full checklist completed. But the second shift, you may only want three questions. Plus, you may want to assign a checklist for the dock to ensure safety, which you can assign to all operators.
2. Forklift Access Control: To ensure safety of the operator and those around the lift truck, forklift access control only allows those who are authorized to be on the truck. If not, then the forklift wont’ start. Even if the operator credentials expire, it won’t start, as it tracks their certifications.
You want to get a handle on the Record-breaking Year for State Labor? Start with an easy one. Contact us today.