The NIOSH hierarchy of controls for forklift safety is a step beyond the traditional outline. The NIOSH hierarchy of controls outline the prioritization of methods to manage workplace hazards, emphasizing the importance of engineering controls in the manufacturing, warehouse and distribution systems.
Keeping the traditional PPE on forklift operators still remains pertinent. But at the Administrative Controls, that’s where our AI-based forklift safety system comes in. We change the way safety is performed. That’s because we add to the reactive safety by placing pro-active safety first. We do this with our proximity sensors that constantly monitor every 60ms searching for people or objects within its path. We’re keeping people away from the hazard because it matures into something more. That’s our engineering controls.
Now, safety managers can substitute or eliminate the hazard by simply removing or changing the area to make it safe. One of the best ways to manage this is with our telemetry Dashboard. Our Dashboard collects the data and allow safety and maintenance professionals to keep track, in real-time, the health of safety of the equipment. Now you have the best way to complete the NIOSH hierarchy of controls for forklift safety …fast. Contact us today to view our Dashboard live. Contact us today to learn how to use the NISOH hierarchy of controls for forklift safety.