
According to OSHA, workplace violence is on the rise and that this may become a new category to report numbers to on a yearly basis. We’ll see what they decide. In the meantime, forklift access control can reduce workplace violence. This great feature on a forklift safety system can prohibit the forklift being used as a weapon. If you are not authorized to work a forklift truck, then the forklift will not start. If you are a forklift driver and only certified to work on a Class I, but not a Class III, again the forklift will not start. However, if you are on the forklift, authorized to drive it, then the forklift safety system will know that you are on it. In addition, if you have an impact with the forklift, then the forklift safety system will take a picture of the driver. This will allow the safety manager to know exactly what was going on during the time of impact. Was the driver looking in the direction of the impact, on the cell phone or looking in the opposite direction of the impact. This critical information will give the safety manager the necessary information in order to create a safety program tailored for the forklift operator so the individual can become a better driver.

Removing potential issues is critical for forklift safety. That’s why forklift access control can reduce workplace violence. Contact us today to begin your journey to an accident free environment.