
Driver-specific data is something management has never had before. The status quo is that a co-worker observes unsafe behavior and might report it to a supervisor. However, it’s more likely that unsafe behaviors aren’t reported and are generally accepted until it’s too late. With real data in front of them, management can step in to reinforce good driver behavior and coach those who need improvement. Because the coaching is based on data rather than hearsay, employees are more likely to respond positively rather than defensively.

Saurav Agarwal

CEO & Co-Founder, SIERA.AI

Let's keep our #essentialworkers safe

As the country begins its economic recovery, it’s impossible to know if the record-breaking surge in online sales and the supply chain disruption it caused will continue or if consumers will return to old habits of shopping in stores and dining at restaurants instead of preparing meals at home. Regardless, the need to keep people safe in essential supply chain jobs should be everyone’s top priority. To learn more about SIERA Safety System, visit our website.