What’s Going On? Get the Data Fast with a Telematics Dashboard
Telematics for forklifts is vital when all levels within the organization depend more and more on the data and the results they produce. Whether it’s collected to manage forklift failures, determine how many near misses occurred for a specific timeframe or how to increase productivity and minimize downtime, telematics for forklifts can give you the insights that you need. Let’s find out what you can get.
What is Telematics for Forklifts?
One of the main difficulties facility managers experience with data is that they get frustrated with the amount of data found in many telematic systems. They express their frustration by simply stating, “why can’t I just get what I need in one place.” Most managers don’t have the time to dedicate to the software, so continuing the old way is the fastest decision and result. What’s worse, it quantity of information that can be gathered only increases with no easy way to get it.
Telemetry Dashboard
As this is not new information to SIERA.AI, we developed our telemetry Dashboard with the user in mind, hence the word Dashboard. Through our extensive studies, we place the vital information all on the Dashboard to maximize time and improve efficiency. See if you agree with what’s important.
Forklift Failures
Forklift failures is a must for telematics for forklifts. Here you want to immediately ‘see’ which forklift failed. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to check at each shift if it failed, you’ll automatically get a notification of any failures. This is so you can analyze which forklift failed, how often has it failed, and what made it fail. By digitizing the forklift inspection process, and gaining better more accurate data, this answer becomes meaningful.
Forklift Near Misses
This is a favorite amongst many SIERA.AI customers. The tracking of near misses is defined as the preview or the precursor to a forklift accident. The area is in its infancy and hasn’t developed into an area where frequent impacts occur. By getting this crucial information, you can identify a problem and take measures to fix it or alter the area so the near misses never become a problem.
Low, Medium and High Impacts
Impacts means there’s a problem. The low, medium and high scale says how severe the impact actually is. Again, if you get a low impact, there’s time to analyze and fix the problem so it never becomes a medium or high impact. Be sure to know when and where these issues arise so you can take measures to control it.
If you get a medium or high impact, further investigation is warranted. Again, it’ll be easy to understand the data as it is right there on the Dashboard where you can analyze it quickly and get out there to make the necessary changes.
The bottom line, telemetry for forklifts is vital to understanding your environment. Contact us today at sales@siera.ai or call us at (512) 817 0702.