How Far Does Your Safety Compliance Checklist Go?
Managing a safety compliance checklist is vital for OSHA and avoiding any penalties. There are many safety compliance checklists that your company needs to follow especially if you are in the manufacturing, warehouse and / or distribution center industry. These areas can include fire safety, HVAC safety or even the ever popular forklift safety. In this article, we’ll discuss the safety compliance checklist as it pertains to forklifts, pallet jacks or lift trucks in general.
What is a Safety Compliance Checklist?
A safety compliance checklist are the vital questions asked each day or shift that is pertinent to the health of the machine as well as the safe operation. These questions can the suggestions offered by OSHA and it can also include your own questions that are vital to keeping the lift trucks in top working order. The checklist is compiled and can be printed out and placed on a clipboard, made into a booklet or better yet, used digitally so all of the information answered can be captured and saved in the real-time, online telemetry Dashboard.
The Digital Checklist
The digital checklist is stored in the forklift safety system’s telemetry Dashboard. Here you can upload and edit, or enter all of the question yourself. You can further edit, add, delete any of the forklift questions to ensure the questions you want to ask are the most current and vital to your operation.
Because the SIERA.AI forklift safety system’s telemetry Dashboard is online, you will be able to get the data anytime you need for analysis. In the Dashboard, you can check for any failures and also know who was operating the forklift during that day / time. If any issues occur, you will be immediately notified after the problem happened. Track the health of all your assets as well as if an asset is being overused. Maintenance can then check on the health of the assets to ensure problems are anticipated and taken care of before any downtime occurs.
Impact Detection
Even though this is about a safety compliance checklist, impact detection does play a part. That’s why impact detection on a forklift is part of the overall forklift safety system. The forklift safety system will track any impacts that occur even if it’s a low, medium or high impact. You get to choose how you want to determine an impact. Remember the telemetry Dashboard we just spoke about? The G-Force setting is located in the Dashboard where you can set the G-Force and be notified when an impact with that force occurs. The immediate notification allows you to go immediately to that location and view the results of the impact prior to the scene being altered in any way.
Impact Detection Tracking
Once an impact occurs, whether it be low, medium or high, the results go in real-time into the telemetry Dashboard. Now you can track in a single location how many low, medium and high impacts occurred during any given time. If you view something of potential concern, look further and analyze if it is a particular asset that is causing the issue or does further training need to occur as the impacts include a particular forklift operator or operators.
Take a Picture!
One other aspect to the SIERA.AI forklift safety system, is the ability to take a picture. The picture can be of the forklift operator so you know ‘who’ was driving at the time. We all know how many operators like to say, ‘it wasn’t me’. This may or may not be true, but now you will know. This is vital so you can take action such as tailored training to avoid having the same incident happen again.
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