Safe Use of Forklift Trucks. Go Beyond the Basics.
There are articles all over the internet on the safe use of forklift trucks. You can get a wide range of articles such as the ‘28 forklift safety tips’ for everyone and everything in the facility, ‘10 forklift safety rules’ to another ‘15 forklift tips and tricks’. Many of these articles share the same information …except for one critical topic. It doesn’t discuss the safe use of forklift trucks by using a digital forklift checklist, nor does it discuss how a forklift pedestrian detection system keeps the environment safe. What about a telemetry Dashboard? Does monitoring, analyzing and generating reports contribute to the safe use of forklift trucks? Let’s discuss these additional ways for safe use of forklift trucks, so we’re not repeating ourselves.
Digital Forklift Checklist
A digital forklift checklist is all about the safe use of forklift trucks. When the forklift driver is ready to begin their shift, the driver will log-in by scanning their QR code or enter in a PIN. Once their credentials are automatically checked by the forklift safety system, then the first question will appear. Not all pre-shift inspection checklists are the same. Some require different questions. If you have various lift trucks, you need to have a checklist for those as well. That’s where a digital forklift checklist comes in. You can ask the right questions for the asset allowing maintenance to stay on top of the lift trucks performance, wear and tear and any issues that may arise day to day. The answers to the questions are all stored and maintained, and ready for analysis in the graphics-based telemetry Dashboard. Now that these lift trucks are being properly maintained, they all contribute to the safe use of the forklift truck.
Pedestrian Detection System
A pedestrian detection system contributes to the safe use of the forklift, safe working conditions for employees and safe environment of the facility itself. Even though it says pedestrian detection, it also protects the objects, the products and the facility from getting hit. How?
The pedestrian detection system scans every 60ms searching and identifying objects and people. It does this with AI artificial intelligence along with machine learning. The technology knows the difference between an object and person, even if the person is partially shown. This allows the forklift and everything around it to avoid accidents and keep everyone safe. The best part… the forklift driver can focus on the task at hand and be more productive each day. All of the experiences the forklift encounters is recorded in the telemetry Dashboard.
Telemetry Dashboard
The telemetry Dashboard is where the answers lie. The constant collection of data is stored in the cloud-based Dashboard constantly giving you real time information on information such as:
– Failed (and passed) forklift inspections
– Level of impact such as low, medium and high
– Near Miss detection
– How many (and who where) was there a forklift access attempt
– How many pedestrians did the system detect within its pre-defined area
– How many objects did the system detect within its pre-defined area
The combination of all of the above is an AI forklift safety system build and proven to reduce incidents, save lives as well as reduce the losses from hits and bumps to your product and your facility.
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