The Trend for Replacing a Digital Forklift Checklist with Another Digital Forklift Checklist
Companies wanting to replace forklift checklist is on the rise. You’re expecting an answer that says, ‘from paper to digital’ forklift inspection checklists. Although this still holds true for those who still use paper forklift inspections, instead there’s a bit of a trend unfolding. The trend are companies that have chosen and used some sort of an electronic forklift inspection checklist are looking for a better solution, or one that is tied to pedestrian detection and safety. So why is this trend developing?
What Does It Mean to Replace Forklift Checklist?
Let’s begin by talking a bit about forklift inspection checklists. To replace forklift checklist is capturing the data that is collected during the forklift inspection digitally. That is the single, most popular reason to replace forklift checklist. That’s because:
- You’re not necessarily changing the questions or answers
- You’re not saving time in answering the questions
- And you still can have digital ‘pencil whipping’ going on because the questions are appearing just the same as on the paper checklist.
How Can You Overcome these Challenges?
When changing over from paper to digital or digital to a more advanced digital system, there are a few new features that help you to overcome the current challenges.
- If you have problems with digital pencil whipping, then be sure the software has a feature to randomize the forklift inspection questions like SIERA.AI does. You can switch it ‘on’ in the telemetry Dashboard. When the forklift operator logs in, they will never know which question will pop up first for each section. This encourages the forklift operator to read and choose the answers carefully. If not, the forklift will fail its inspection.
- If you only find out about a forklift failed inspection by logging into the system, consider notifications. If the digital forklift inspection has a notification feature where you can receive a communication that alerts (and any others that you want to be notified), all those to a failed inspection. This allows everyone to find out why right away before the environment changes.
- Partner with the forklift operators. Train them on the importance of their answers and what it means to their work and safety as well as the facility. A little information can go a long way.
Impact Detection
Many of the older digital forklift inspection just gave you that feature. Systems today also include forklift impact detection. This captures and measures the impacts the forklift experiences while working during its shift. The capturing of the information will allow safety managers and management to evaluate the impacts and type of impacts experienced in order to make the facility safer for the operator, pedestrians as well as minimize the damage done to the facility and the products it houses.
Telemetry Dashboard
Some digital checklist solutions in the market have a dashboard, but feedback has shared that the information captured was not completely accurate. With the more advanced systems such as SIERA.AI, you’ll be able to monitor in real-time the failed inspections and low, medium and high impacts. You can drill down into further detail the information captured so you can make a decision on how to fix the problem. You’ll know if its working by monitoring the results in the telemetry Dashboard.
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