IS AI Driving Manufacturing in 2025?
In a recent article in Industry Today, the publication discusses how manufacturer’s must recalibrate their 2025 strategies looking for innovations and a path forward. Although there’s always improvements to be made, the article stresses areas to focus such as the rising cost of energy, figuring out ways to improve the workforce and AI in the future. However, surprisingly, they were more realistic on AI. Instead of making AI the solution that will fix everything, they looked at it from a more realistic point of voice. Therefore, is AI driving manufacturing in 2025 in bulk or just in increments? Let’s take a closer look.
AI Driving Manufacturing
As we have heard time and again how AI driving manufacturing into the future. As most AI solutions are not going to replace humans, instead it can work well side by side with humans in making decisions more streamlined and accurate. Since we’re further down the road with an AI solution, we’ll show you how our forklift safety system is driving better decisions and saving lives and money too.
What is an AI Based Forklift Safety System
It begins on the facility floor where forklifts are constantly moving about. An AI based forklift safety system will have a piece of hardware installed within eyesight of the operator and an AI based camera situated on top of the forklift. That camera is constantly scanning every 60ms searching for 2 things. One is a human and second is any object. It’s going to scan the distance that you set, all the way up to 33 feet. When it detects one of these two things in the pre-defined distance, it will notify the operator with audio and visual alerts to move the vehicle in a different direction or stop all together.
This information collected is tracked and stored in the telemetry Dashboard. This way you know the who, where, what occurred. This information is critical for safety professionals to make adjustments in their safety plans in order to improve on safety in the facility.
AI Does the Work
Because its an AI based system, it’s doing all of the work so the operator can do their job. The AI system keeps a look out. Makes sure there’s nothing within the operator’s path. Now, there are certain times when the operator doesn’t adhere to the warnings and continues to drive toward the danger zone. This is when our forklift safety system can override the forklift operator and begin slowing down the vehicle. This is crucial so an accident doesn’t happen. This type of forklift safety system is crucial for any facility, but it doesn’t mean that every forklift needs to have it. Only put this type of solution on key forklifts, not all.
So is AI driving manufacturing? AI with SIERA AI is driving forklift safety with AI technologies in order to reduce accidents, expenses and number of occurrences. Be sure to get a demo of our AI based forklift safety system so you can understand and see for yourself how the technology can be a great benefit for your company.
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