Holiday Forklift Safety: Your Customers are Preparing Now
I know it may seem premature to most, but for those that need to help customers manufacture and distribute goods for the holidays, the time is now. This also means that hiring seasonal workers or temporary workers is in high demand as well. That means that holiday forklift safety is in full swing.
Holiday Forklift Safety
Needing to manage numerous new people with your seasoned and new pickers, workers and forklift operators going in all directions means nobody is really watching out as they pass a forklift. The temporary workers on the facility floor don’t necessarily think about forklifts, they trust that the driver knows what they are doing. Which, most do. However, when you are driving a car, are you picking up a sandwich, or working on the computer? Of course not. How often have you heard that you are to be hands free for the cell phone and don’t be distracted. With that said, why is there a different standard for forklift operators? Do they have an extra set of eyes that I am not aware of? That’s why holiday forklift safety needs to be consistently reinforced in the workplace.
To Be Safe…
Taking a couple of hours for the new temporary workers to learn your safety plan is a great place to start. Let them know and ‘see’ your environment and why you have certain safety measures in place. Hands on and ‘seeing’ it together helps to reinforce your message. Training the workers at the same time as the operators can help to keep everyone safe since being trained side by side can reinforce the safety risks of forklifts and your message.
But, to be Truly Safe…
Training and reinforced training is important to your facility. No doubt. But sometimes people forget, and take the risk of walking behind the forklift anyway. It just takes too long to wait! This is where a forklift safety system can do the trick.
Sensors on a Forklift
The SIERA.AI S3 forklift safety system contains sensors. The sensors are like your extra set of eyes. Their primary job is to constantly scan every 60ms in the search of a person OR an object. If the sensors or camera identifies a person, it will provide the forklift operator with a audio and visual alert. This one will be of a human symbol. If it identifies an object, such as a pallet, broom, box… anything that’s not human in the path of the forklift, the forklift operator will receive an audio warning along with a symbol of a box which indicates an object.
You Set the Distance
How far out do you want the notification? The SIERA.AI system scans up to 33 feet. Yes, that’s a long distance. However, if the forklift is carrying a large pipe, it may want to go out 25 feet. You can set those particular forklifts for 25 feet and the rest for 10, 15, 5 feet. All up to you.
As you Prepare for the Holiday Forklift Safety Plan…
Remember that we’re here to help. Give your forklift operators the ability to get their job done while we constantly watch their surroundings. It’s a great way to ensure injuries, accidents, damages can be zero while you maintain profitability.
Contact Us!
Contact us today at or call us at (512) 817 0702.