Forklifts are a Critical Part of the Supply Chain
In a supply chain environment, the business day never ends. In order to keep that operation in constant motion, various material handling solutions are needed. One of those are forklifts. Forklifts have the power and movement to streamline operations, reduce costs and increase productivity. Clearly, forklifts are a critical part of the supply chain. Is there a way to improve on their benefits…like decreasing accidents, injuries and potential impacts with pedestrians or other equipment? Let’s take a look.
Storage Density Made Possible by Forklifts
High density storage is made possible by forklifts as forklifts can reach high places to store goods. Air is a pretty good, cost effective solution for maximizing the space allocated for storage. But it also has its challenges. As we discussed in last week’s article, high density storage has their challenges with falling products, hitting other equipment and small spaces to share with pedestrians. How can these high risk areas chip away at the profits made by narrow aisles and high density storage?
The forklift safety system protects the benefits the forklift brings by identifying the pedestrian or object if it comes within a pre-defined distance from the forklift. The forklift operator will get a warning with audio and visual alerts letting the driver know what to look for: a person or an object.
Reduce Labor Costs by Keeping Workers Safe from Accidents
As forklifts need to move in tight spaces, turn corners and move quickly in more open areas, the risk of workers encountering forklift is quite high. Even thought forklifts are a critical part of the supply chain, we need to ensure the labor force is safe when they encounter pedestrians. Again, the forklift safety system will know if a person is too close. By keeping them safe, you’ll be able to save money on worker’s compensation as injuries will be minimized or eliminated. Reduced accidents also mean insurance premiums are in your favor.
Streamline Operations and Time Saved
We appreciate the benefits of the forklift as it can efficiently move product off and on trailer trucks, and staging areas in order for the goods to be put away or pulled from their shelves. It is what we need to do to fulfill orders so they can be transported and delivered as quickly as possible. But as we all know, these operations can be halted quickly if something gets hits. Near hits or near misses are very common in these critical areas.
The forklift safety system ensures the proper protection with its near miss tracking and reporting. Our forklift safety system identifies near misses and where they are occurring so you can go to that area and begin to make changes or a simple adjustment in order to reduce near misses. Near misses are the infancy of an accident. By keeping it in its early stages, the accident prone area is never allowed to mature and cause an accident in the facility.
What to Do Next?
Contact us today to find out how to protect your forklifts from damages with other equipment and the product it carries along with the workers that are actively doing their job alongside forklifts. We know that forklifts are a critical part of the supply chain, the question is are you ready to protect the supply chain with a forklift safety system?
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