Isn’t it Time to Empty the Bucket of Forklift Daily Inspection Log Books?
Before a customer became a customer of SIERA.AI, the safety professionals were asked how their forklift daily inspection were done. It wasn’t a great surprise that it was completed on paper. Nor was it a surprise that it was done in a booklet supplied by the manufacturer. What was a surprise was how the booklets were stored. In a couple of buckets. How does the customer manage their forklift daily inspection log book today? Digitally, of course.
What is a Forklift Daily Inspection Log Book?
A forklift daily inspection log book is the former or ‘old’ way of checking and maintaining their forklift fleet. The forklift operator would take the log book, go over to the forklift and begin going down the list of items to check. Now since these items are the same thing each time, the operators have the list memorized. Some of the operators, we were told, did a good job of inspecting the forklift. Others, did the old pencil whipping technique. Certainly, not the best data. When they were done, they tossed the forklift daily inspection log book in to the bucket. The customer knew it was time to change from the forklift daily inspection log book to something different.
A Two-Part Forklift Safety Solution – The S2
The first part of the forklift safety solution is the digitization of the forklift daily inspection checklist. The checklist is standard on paper and nothing can be edited. By placing the forklift daily inspection into the S2 forklift safety solution is that it becomes digital where you can edit, modify, delete or add any question that you want to have inspected and answered.
But there’s another critical part to the solution: randomization. In each section of the forklift checklist, the safety professional within the telemetry Dashboard turn on the randomization button. This tells the system to mix up the questions. This way for forklift operator will not know which question will show up first, second, third and so forth. This encourages the forklift operator to read the question prior to answering it. If they answer the question incorrectly, they will risk the inspection failing and the forklift will not start, and a notification will go to management and/or the safety professional.
Telemetry Dashboard
All answers to the forklift checklist will automatically be stored and calculated in the telemetry Dashboard. What makes this Dashboard special is the graphics based presentation. All data is graphically shown for fast analysis and inspection of the data in order to make timely decisions, as all of the data is show in real-time.
The Second Part of the S2
The second part of the S2 forklift safety system is the impact detection part. The S2 forklift safety system will track all impacts made: low, medium and high. Now however, the G-Force is what is used to determine if it is a low, medium or high impact. That’s up to each customer and their environment. This way you can track impacts based on your facility. Can you change it after a day, week, month or year? Yes, the threshold can be changed at any time.
Again, all of this data is captured and tracked in the telemetry Dashboard and graphically represented to the safety professional / management.
Time to get tracking!
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