The Constant Evolution of Forklift Access and Security
If there is one thing for certain, people are creative. Unfortunately, not always for the positive. Forklift access and security has to evolve not only in it’s features with its benefits, but also areas that you can and cannot see. We’re going to take a look at the forklift safety system by SIERA.AI and discuss forklift access and security. What security exists and what new security has been added for both the operator as well as the manager using the telemetry Dashboard.
Account Lockout from the Dashboard
One of the first lines of defense to keep unauthorized people from accessing a forklift is to lock them out. If the forklift is locked out, those that should not be on there…cannot. However, that won’t stop them from trying. Unauthorized people will try to put in an email of someone they know. Sure, that part is right. But there’s also a password. The added security says if you tried 5 incorrect attempts, you are now locked out for 10 minutes before you can try again. This will deter most people.
However, if the driver is authorized and has forgotten what the password is, this person too will need to face a 10 minute wait before trying again. Most times, they will go to their supervisor and inform them of their difficulty in order to get the situation rectified.
Change of eMail from the User Profile
Sometimes it’s the little things that count when it comes to forklift access and security. When a user, such as a manager or forklift operator tries to change their email ID, the system will want confirmation that this is the right person. After the request for change is completed, another small window will pop up on the screen asking to confirm the email change by entering their password. If the password is accurate, then the system will accept the change. If the password is incorrect, no changes will be made.
User Permissions
As a manager with full admin access to the telemetry Dashboard, you want to be sure who gets what type of access in order to do their job as best as possible. For any manager or worker that you believe should have access into the telemetry Dashboard, you can define what parts of the Dashboard you want them to gain access to. The best part is how easy it is to view and edit for any future changes.
As the account administrator, you can provide access a few different ways: view, edit, add and deactivate. Then it is broken down by section. For each person, simply click on the areas you want to grand access to and click on save. These can be altered at any time.
This level of security can be applied by each person working in a worksite, with explanations on title and responsibility. This ensures that only those with specified approvals can access critical data.
Language Changes
A small security measure, however, it is yet critical for those working on the forklift safety system. Only the manager can change the language that appears on the forklift safety system checklist. It’s always best to avoid any ‘game playing’.
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