3 Top Reasons Lift Operators Avoid Paper-based Inspections
An Electronic forklift inspection is the best way to ensure breakdowns, downtime and accidents don’t happen. As we all know, OSHA requires that a lift truck be inspection prior to each use. But they don’t state the medium it needs to be completed in; it just says to get it done. There’s an opportunity in this situation where completing the forklift inspection can be more than just a ‘to do’ or an argument with the forklift driver, it can produce results that can save on repairs avoiding costly downtime. Let’s take a closer look at an electronic forklift inspection.
Reasons Lift Operators Avoid Paper-based Inspections
It seems every manager gets frustrated with lift truck operators when it comes to filling out the forklift inspection checklist.
- Lift truck operators pick up the clipboard or binder and simply decide not to fill it out and toss it to the side. The just want to begin and get their quota done for the day.
- Sometimes the reason they toss it to the side is because they don’t believe there is a purpose. Why fill it out? Does anyone look at it anyway? Or it takes too long to complete.
Those lift truck operators that do fill it out can do so quickly. Are they reading the questions…no. Are they inspecting the truck so they can answer accurately…no. This is pencil whipping. A common practice with forklift operators where they fill it out without actually conducting a proper inspection.
Managers Shared Reaction
Operators are not the only one’s who are frustrated with paper-based forklift inspections, so are the managers. Managers collect the forms, binders or booklets in order to analyze the health and operation of the forklift. But when they find straight lines through answers, it gives them no answer. If they find the paper based forklift checklist not filled out, what can the manager gain from it? Nothing.
Transitioning from Paper to Electronic Forklift Inspection
Everyone wants to fix this situation. If consistent value is missing by the forklift checklists not being completed some of the time or many times, it’s difficult to care for the forklift to ensure its performing effectively without the risk of downtime and repair.
This is where technology can help rectify the situation. For instance, the S2 Digital Checklist with Impact Detection is an electronic forklift inspection that already has the OSHA checklist installed. The benefit of an electronic forklift inspection system is that you can add, delete or edit the existing form. All that needs to be done is log into the telemetry Dashboard to change it. In addition, if you want to add other checklists based on lift truck type, you can add as many checklists as you want for the best management of the lift trucks.
Using the Electronic Forklift Inspection Checklist
It is important to include the forklift operators in the process. The S2 Digital Forklift Inspection system will not let the operator begin his day without the electronic forklift inspection being complete. The lift operator will begin by scanning his work badge or entering in a unique PIN number identifying the driver. Once the system accepts the entry, the electronic forklift inspection is up on the screen and ready to go.
The forklift operator will know that in order to get working, the driver needs to complete the checklist. However, these answers are being recorded, stored and analyzed in the telemetry Dashboard. A pattern of proof will quickly emerge if the operator tries to pencil whip the forklift checklist. Each use, the forklift will require the electronic forklift inspection and the operator will adjust to the new requirement so they can begin their day.
Contact us today to sales@siera.ai to begin the transition.