Direct Vision for Truck Drivers and AI and Machine Learning for Forklift Operators: Both Reduce Accidents and Injuries
It seems that London, England has a better handle on pedestrian and object safety with the direct vision standard of 2019 for large trucks. Their statistics have shown that London has experienced a 75% reduction in fatal crashes and a 64% drop in a crash with severe injuries. This of course is not with the forklift truck, but with an on the road truck. However, knowing these types of successes exist, and it’s been available since 2019, the question is why hasn’t it been used in the States for the past 5 years? The same can be said with a forklift safety system. It is here, it is available and it is better than direct vision as this is a direct vision forklift safety with the use of AI and machine learning technologies.
Direct Vision Forklift Safety
The direct vision measures how much a heavy truck driver can see through their cab windows and measured with a star rating from 0 to 5. This reveals the level of risk for those that are walking or riding a bike near the truck. Starting October 28, 2024, trucks over 12 tons will need to be at least three stars to driver in London.
At SIERA.AI, we use Artificial Intelligence – AI along with machine learning to get this done. Although this is a great way to protect people on the road, the truck driver is doing one thing…driving. For forklift operators, they are constantly multitasking. So our own direct vision forklift safety solution is to use a forklift safety system that utilizes the latest technologies. Why?
What Does AI and ML do for Direct Vision Forklift Safety?
Let’s start with machine learning. Machine learning for direct vision forklift safety means that the forklift safety system has had the time to learn with lots of hours of practice before it went live with SIERA.AI about 8 years ago now. Then with additional customer on-site experience, collectively there’s a lot of knowledge and experience. Now add AI. AI is the ability to scan every 60ms in search for what it learned… searching for people and objects within a defined distance.
Defined distance is the distance the safety professional sets for each individual forklift for when the warn the forklift operator that a person or object is within the defined distance. Let’s say for instance, 5 feet, 7.5 feet, 30 feet, up to you. Once that is done and it begins searching, it allows the driver to effectively multi-task. That is because the forklift driver needs to look at other things like the load they are carrying, versus looking at the street like a truck on the road does. This is why a direct vision for trucks on the road is different that the direct vision for forklift safety.
The Alert!
When the forklift warning goes off, it will give the forklift operator a flashing sign of either a symbol of a human, or a symbol of an object. In this case, it is a box. Along with the flashing picture, the forklift operator will also get a loud beeping sound. The combination of the two draws the forklift operator’s attention in real time to the situation for action can be taken.
Although this is a far more efficient and effective system for forklift safety, the direct vision regulation is still effective and reduces accidents on the road.
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