Can a Digital Forklift Inspection Automatically Log Off the Operator
Can a digital forklift inspection automatically log off the forklift operator? You’re either deciding to move your paper-based forklift inspection to a digital forklift inspection or you’ve already made the move and you for got a very important question to ask. “Will the digital forklift inspection log off automatically if the forklift operator walks away, takes too long to complete the inspection, or tries to get around the system?” I know everyone just wants the answer and move on. The answer is yes. But how are the settings in the forklift safety system presented so I know when and why they get logged off. Let’s get into it a bit more so you know that there are controls in place to ensure the forklift inspection is actually being completed as expected.
What is a Digital Forklift Inspection Log Off?
As technology begins to get more advanced with each passing year, your expectations go up as well. A digital forklift inspection log off is a key feature EHS or safety professionals are looking for so they know if there is a problem with the system, if the operator is taking a long time to complete a question or the digital forklift inspection is simply not getting done.
Digital Forklift Inspection
There are many digital forklift inspection software choices out in the market today. Many of which just have the digital inspection and that’s it. However, with today’s more advanced technologies, the digital forklift inspection is part of an overall forklift safety system. This solution includes the digital forklift inspection(s), impact detection, various modes of forklift access control and a telemetry Dashboard. However, for this article, we’re going to focus on the digital forklift inspection and how and when the timeout of log off occurs.
Getting Started
The forklift operator is ready to start their shift. As always, the operator begins their day with a pre-shift forklift inspection. With the SIERA.AI forklift safety system, the operator will either enter in their personal PIN which can be numeric, alpha or both. The second option is to scan the QR code for entry. As soon as that is complete, the system will either recognize the operator and approve their start because they are authorized to work on this asset and their certificate is current. Next, the first inspection question pops up on the tablet touch screen. This inspection checklist has been assigned to the asset, so ensure the right questions are showing up for their specific asset.
Questions to Answer
Let’s say you have 8 questions that the forklift operator needs to answer. Some may include having the engine on and some with the engine off. A couple of the questions require the operator to take a minute to check it in order to answer correctly. In a perfect scenario, the forklift operator should be done with the checklist in let’s say 2.5 minutes.
Dashboard Controls
In the back of the Dashboard, the safety professional can state per question how much time it should take per question. Use the default settings, or allow for additional time to complete. Do they need 15 seconds, or 5 minutes to complete a question, that is up to you to set.
But as we know, drivers can get distracted. I won’t even list them because it can be countless. What happens then? Because this is a forklift safety system with a digital checklist, once the time has run out that you set, the forklift safety system will provide the warning to the driver and begin to log the driver off of the system. When that happens, yes, the forklift operator will need to start from the beginning. This ensures focus on the driver’s behalf because who wants to do something twice if it can be averted.
A digital forklift inspection logoff is important to your safety process as it ensure the integrity of the answers which keeps the material handling vehicles moving at efficiently and effectively as possible without downtime.
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