Getting Everyone on the Same Page with Digital Checklist Training
Digital checklist training is one of the most effective ways to ensuring accuracy and quality of information captured by a forklift safety system. However, if the forklift operator is not able to ‘stick’ with the proper procedures, then the quality of information captured will go down. Providing the forklift drivers with the proper tools they need can help to ensure that they are mindful when inspecting the forklift. Effective training when moving from paper based forklift inspections to digital checklists will help capture the right information. Let’s explore the What, How and Why of digital checklist training.
What is Digital Checklist Training?
Digital checklist training is moving the process from paper-based forklift inspections to digital. SIERA.AI takes the process of automating the checklist a step further and utilizes the digital aspect in order to gain accuracy and integrity with the data being captured. The company does this with the S2 solution and randomizes the questions and the answers so the forklift operator isn’t expecting what will be coming up next. This encourages the operator to pay attention, read each question in order to answer the question accurately. If answered too quickly, it could force a notification that the forklift has failed. Attention to detail is quite necessary. So now let’s make the digital checklist training effective.
The “Sign-On”
Signing on identifies the forklift operator and ensures that the driver is certified in good standing. If not, the forklift will not start. In addition, if someone tries to start the forklift that is not authorized, again the forklift will not start. These are key aspects to the forklift authorization process.
The “What”
Once authorized, the forklift operators need to know exactly what needs to be done in order to ensure a successful forklift inspection before beginning their shift. For the S2 solution and the randomization of the questions and answers, the driver will be led by the questions as to where to go and start their inspection. (if in the event you don’t want the randomization, you can turn it off in the back.) Digital checklists are perfect for this as they outline the required tasks the driver needs to accomplish.
The “How”
Once the forklift operators know the tasks, they are responsible for, next, let’s teach them how to get it done according to expectations. This step is important for setting standards in forklift safety. Make it even more effective with detailed instructions when putting the digital checklist together.
The “Why”
Digital checklist training is crucial with understanding the why. Why are these tasks necessary. If forklift operators understand how their actions help improve forklift safety, reduce downtime and avoid forklifts spending unnecessary time in maintenance and how all of these things affect the company and ultimately the driver, they may think twice about faking through the forklift inspection checklist. Walk the operators through each question then take them through the telemetry Dashboard.
The telemetry dashboard is a great way for them to understand the tracking, notification and results of their efforts.
What’s Next to Do:
Next is up to you. Contact us today at to get the S2 up and running at your facility. Get a deeper look to know what decisions you need to make next.
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