Connected Worker Systems with an AI Forklift Safety System
Connected worker systems was a topic discussed a month ago with industry leaders from ABI Research and Forrester Research. The conversation was around the technologies that can provide and produce the fastest results. One of the first topics from the podcast with IndustryWeek was the various new technologies that will reshape manufacturing such as AI, smart devices, Industry 2.0, virtual reality, augmented reality and more. However, the conversation went quickly to the guest speaker, Paul Miller of Forrester Research who discussed how there are numerous use cases for the connected worker around safety. He concluded that this is where you will get the most bang for the buck. We agree. Let’s take a look at the connected worker systems with an AI forklift safety system.
What are Connected Worker Systems with an AI Forklift Safety System?
A connected worker systems with an AI forklift safety system is that we’re giving the frontline workers such as your forklift operators, a way to perform their task more efficiently and safely with devices and technologies. This is accomplished through:
Digital Access: There are two ways to think about digital access. One is that the forklift operator is answering the forklift safety checklist digitally and two, the manager gets the collected answers and is able to analyze the results to improve on current situations or processes as well as manage the life of the truck in order to get the most out of the investment.
Real Time Data and Insights: Another aspect of the connected worker systems with an AI forklift safety system is the access to real time data and insights with the Dashboard. This means that as the forklift moves autonomously, or individually, throughout the facility, it is constantly collecting data from its searching for people or objects within its defined path. That data is automatically transmitted to the online Dashboard for analysis. Here you can view near misses by pedestrian or objects, failed inspections, pedestrians in the path, objects within the path and more. Now you can take that data and understand where is it occurring on the facility floor so the safety professional knows where to focus the time and energy for making areas safer.
Enhanced Safety: With the power of AI technologies, the forklift safety system will alert the forklift operator with both visual and audio alerts and give the operator visual alert of ‘where’ the person or object is at in relation to the forklift. Action is to be immediately taken to ensure safety.
Improved Collaboration: The forklift safety system ultimately improves collaboration with just about everyone. When everyone gets to work together, it will create a safer work environment.
The podcast was accurate in saying that a connected worker system can affect safety. As new safety issues are coming on the horizon, it’s critical to begin getting rid of the old problems and staying ahead of the new ones with an AI based forklift safety system that will allow for safety to be paramount without having to invest in a ton of gadgets…you only need one forklift safety system to do it all.
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