Does Unauthorized Forklift Users Include Supervisors and Managers?
Should facility professionals consider automated forklift user security? Is it really that important to keep unauthorized people from operating a forklift? Most will say, ‘absolutely,’ especially if it is another worker nearby, or someone who has never operated a forklift before. But what if it is a supervisor or manager who is not certified. Sometimes the supervisor wants to use the forklift to move a couple boxes out of the way, or jump on a forklift to quickly complete an order. Is it okay then?
Technically, it is not okay. According to OSHA 1910.178(m)(3), it states, “Unauthorized personnel shall not be permitted to ride on powered industrial trucks.” This means supervisors and managers as well. Let’s take a look at how automated forklift user security can put a stop to unauthorized users to become and maintain OSHA compliance.
What is Automated Forklift User Security?
Automated forklift user security is to use technology in order to keep unauthorized individuals from operating a lift truck. There are both low-tech and advanced technologies in the market today that can be used as a stand along solution. There are also forklift safety systems such as SIERA.AI where the automated forklift user security is automatically a part of the solution. Let’s take a closer look.
How Does It Work with a Forklift Safety System?
Both the SIERA.AI S2 Digital Checklist with Impact Detection and the S3 Pedestrian Detection System both utilize automated forklift user security or also called forklift access control. When a forklift operator is ready to begin their shift, a QR code needs to be scanned or a PIN number is to be entered into the forklift safety system. This identifies the person trying to start the forklift.
Certified or Not?
Behind the scenes, the forklift safety system is checking if this individual is certified. The intelligence in the forklift safety system checks if they are a certified operator, and if ‘yes’, then it is checking if the person is certified this particular asset. Just because a driver may be certified on a Class III doesn’t mean the driver can operate on a Class I, or Class II. If the operator is trying to get onto a different asset that they are not certified on, the lift truck will not start.
Expired Certifications
As the Forklift Safety System is verifying the operator, it also checks if the certification is coming due. If the driver’s certification is coming due, it will provide a 30 day notice, then a 2 week, 1 week notice and a final notice. If all of these are ignored then the day after it expires, the forklift will no longer start for the operator. This ensures that all of those authorized to operate a forklift are current with their knowledge and training.
What Then…
If the forklift operator is ‘good to go’, meaning the automated forklift user security have been automatically checked and are valid, then the operator can go to the next step, which is the digital checklist for the forklift.
This is a critical stop to complete ensuring the safety and health of the lift truck. Based on the lift truck the operator is associated and approved to work on, the correct digital checklist will come up for the operator to complete. Once, and only if the lift truck passes the digital inspection will the forklift start. These are important safety measures that can help ensure the safety and security of the operator, those around the forklift and the facility itself.
Learn more about our automated forklift user security or forklift access control today.
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