You Got 90 Seconds to Log In…Then You’re Reported
An unauthorized forklift access is a serious offense. It means that someone is on the forklift that should not be. Well, what about the forklift operator that gets on the forklift and tries to operate the forklift without completing the digital inspection. Should they be granted some time to realize the error of their ways? SIERA.AI has figured out a way to accommodate those special situations.
What is Unauthorized Forklift Access?
Unauthorized forklift access means a certified or an uncertified person has entered the cabin of the forklift. This person may have also attempted to start the forklift truck unsuccessfully. With forklift access control as part of your forklift safety system like the S2 Digital Inspection with Impact Detection, you get the solution so those who are not authorized, or who’s certification has expired, cannot access the forklift truck.
What If the Person is Authorized?
There are times when an authorized person, meaning their certification is up-to-date, and they climbed into the cabin of the forklift truck. However, the forklift won’t let the driver proceed. What would cause that to happen?
- The authorized forklift operator decided to bypass the forklift inspection. With a forklift safety system like the S2, if you try to bypass the forklift inspection, you will not go anywhere. This usually means that the forklift operator scanned the badge and decided not to complete the inspection. Instead, try to drive the forklift without completion. Again, the operator will not go anywhere. No inspection…no go.
- The authorized forklift operator got on the forklift, completed the forklift inspection, but the forklift remains still. Well, if the driver did not put his seatbelt on, the forklift again will not move forward. No seatbelt…no go.
- The authorized forklift operator climbed into the forklift cabin, but someone came by to ask a couple of questions, which lasted only a minute. Will the authorized forklift operator be able to proceed with the forklift inspection? Yes! The S2 Digital Inspection with Impact Detection allows the driver 90 seconds, or a minute and a half to login to the S2. This gives the driver ample opportunity to take care of the situation and get down the forklift inspection business.
Because #3 is a special circumstance, and clearly they happen all the time, SIERA.AI’s improved smart sensor can calculate the whereabouts of the driver and allows him 90 seconds to begin the forklift inspection. This will not display any alerts nor will it report the circumstance. Unless…the operator goes above the 90 second mark. Let’s hope not.
Telemetry Dashboard Report
The admin or the manager has access to the telemetry Dashboard where you can view any unauthorized accesses on the forklift truck. Now for the three situations above, you’ll get a report on 1 and 2, but not on 3 unless the operator goes past 90 seconds.
Let’s remember, the unauthorized forklift access control will also manage your operator’s certificates digitally as well as ensure that anyone who is not allowed to drive or control a forklift truck will not have access.
Get the most advanced forklift access control by contacting us at Be safe.
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