Identify Weak Areas within the Facility with Near Miss Reportings
Near miss reportings has been identified by the NEC and OSHA as a valuable piece of information. SIERA.AI wouldn’t agree more. However, the only way near miss reportings was completed is with a worker taking the time to fill out a paper based report and manually hand it in. Most times the company has to promote it, set the processes and procedures and train employees to practice the process. The benefit of near miss reportings today is that it’s automatically identifying and tracking this valuable piece of information. How? Let’s take a closer look.
What is Near Miss Reportings?
Near miss reportings is the accumulation of unplanned incidents that almost turned into an accident. These incidents can be viewed as developing or maturing areas that have the right blend of activities that can cause an accident. These type of incidents are vital especially where powered industrial vehicles PIV are concerned. To understand, and know where weaknesses in the facility are located can bring insights as to where problem areas are building.
Reasons for Unreported Forklift Near Misses
Forklift near misses occur every day within a facility. Most of these near misses go unreported even when processes and procedures are put into place. Some near miss reporting incidents that go undetected because the worker doesn’t have enough time to write up the report, or maybe the worker doesn’t think it was a near miss or maybe not as important of an incident or the thought that they don’t want to get their co-worker in trouble. So how can the reporting occur? How about automatically.
Forklift Safety System
With a forklift safety system like SIERA.AI’s S3 forklift safety system for pedestrian detection, the system automatically tracks and reports on the near misses. This digital type system with AI based technology and machine learning has the ‘smarts’ to know what needs to be in near miss reporting. The forklift safety system also knows if the near miss is with a pedestrian or if the near miss is with an object. Then it calculates the totals separately and also knows where the near misses are located.
Telemetry Dashboard
All of these are calculations are within the telemetry Dashboard by SIERA.AI. Here you can easily track by date and location so you can determine the patterns of the near misses. Now you can go to that high traffic near miss area within the facility and determine what needs to be changed or moved so the near miss count can go down. Once the change is made, begin to track if the near miss is reducing in number and if not, what else needs to be done to reach that goal.
Of course, there are other aspects that can help you within the telemetry Dashboard including low, medium and high impacts as well as pedestrian detection and object detections. These can give you a more complete story of what’s going on within the facility.
Be sure contact SIERA.AI for a full demonstration on the telemetry Dashboard so you can ‘see’ for yourself the type of information you can capture within the facility.
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