Why Can’t the Inexperienced Forklift Operator Move to the Next Level?
If you find that you’re repeating yourself all too often to the inexperienced forklift operator, there’s a pretty good reason. Statistics show that forklift operators don’t last on the job for very long. 32% of operators leave in less than one year, while another 33% leave after just one to two years. Why can’t the inexperienced forklift operator move to the next level?
What is an Inexperienced Forklift Operator?
An inexperienced forklift operator is more than a short amount of time on the job. Length of time doesn’t necessarily mean you know the rules of the trade. An inexperienced forklift operator can spill over to 3 years, 7 years or more depending on the patience of the company and number of incidents the inexperienced forklift operator has accumulated.
Pressure to Perform on the Job
Each day, the inexperienced forklift operator comes to work with a quota. Now don’t get me wrong, having a goal to achieve every day is not a bad thing. But sometimes there’s a price to pay for putting too much pressure on the forklift operator to do more…get more orders out…get the items put away.
This usually results in numerous near misses, and lots of low impacts on another piece of equipment or the facility itself. This adds expenses to the bottom line. Of course, the worst-case scenario is that the forklift driver strikes another worker or pedestrian.
Reason to Get Better
Everyone needs a motivation to come to work each day, including the inexperienced forklift operator. Yes, you are providing them with forklift training, but are the operators getting frustrated with it and not sharing ‘why’?
Even the inexperienced forklift operator is 100% bad. There are many good things they can perform and some that need work. Are you providing the forklift driver with tailored training to help them get better? Is there one-on-one attention provided to let them know you’re working to help them achieve better skills? It’s great to give someone training, but the right training will produce better results.
Lack of Technology to Aid in Forklift Accident Prevention
Technology has begun to play a part in the forklift operator’s day. This is beyond the standard blue lights, horns and reflectors. Pedestrian detection systems have gained in popularity in the past couple of years. It needs to send the right message if you choose to pursue it. To begin, a pedestrian detection system is there to help aid the experienced or the inexperienced forklift operator. The system is the extra set of eyes. Management can’t expect the forklift operator to work and watch for pedestrians at the same time. Even when you’re driving a car, authorities and experts say not to eat and drive, answer a text on your phone while you drive…why? Because it’s impossible to do two things at the same time. Why are we expecting this of forklift drivers?
Pedestrian Detection Systems
Pedestrian detection systems are there to help the forklift operator. If the driver is putting up or taking down the load, how can he/she see the person crossing in back of the forklift? You can’t. The pedestrian monitoring system is constantly monitoring, on the watch, for pedestrians or objects. It will alert the driver when a pedestrian comes within a defined distance. That’s how everyone can remain safe.
How Can You Start to Help?
Contact us today at sales@siera.ai to better understand how the forklift operator can remain safe while performing his job to everyone’s satisfaction.